Park La Brea Tower air conditioner run at ~80+ decibels. The humming noise reflects off the wall and increases ambient noise levels in ajoining apartments by ~20 decibels -- that is FOUR TIMES AS LOUD as normal. That is like having a diesel truck parked outside your window.
Most units do not have air conditioners -- we just open our windows for a cool breeze. But we can’t due to the droning air conditioners. Let's make PLB a peaceful place to live.
- Demand that PLB forbid the use of Tower air conditioners.
- Demand that PLB remove all Tower air conditioners.
- Call PLB Management: 323-549-5432
- Call Los Angeles Building Department: 1-888-LA4BUIL
- Dial 311 for Los Angeles help line
The LA Building Code states: It shall be unlawful for any person, within any zone of the city to operate any air conditioning, refrigeration or heating equipment for any residence or other structure or to operate any pumping, filtering or heating equipment for any pool or reservoir in such manner as to create any noise which would cause the noise level on the premises of any other occupied property or if a condominium, apartment house, duplex, or attached business, within any adjoining unit, to exceed the ambient noise level by more than five (5) decibels.
+3 dB Barely Perceptible Change
+5 dB Clearly Noticeable Change
+10 dB Twice as Loud
+20 dB four Times as Loud
Park La Brea tower air conditioners run at ~80 dB and add ~20 db noise to adjoining units: FOUR TIMES LOUDER THAN NORMAL!
Los Angeles Air Conditioner Noise Hotline: Dial 311