The PLB Tower apartments were intelligently designed by renowned architects to stay cool by allowing easy air flow in each unit through open windows, and exposing only one thick concrete wall to the elements. In short, the Towers were intended to keep cool just like an adobe house keeps cool: circulation and insulation.
The Towers stayed that way for many years, under the control of intelligent owners and managers who understood that air conditioners are not necessary in the Towers due to this fabulous architectural design for a natural cooling system. Then, PLB started installing loud EnviroMaster International air conditioners. Although air conditioners are not necessary in the Towers, you would not know that until you moved in.. But advertising the units with “AIR CONDITIONING” makes it easier to rent the units.
The EnviroMaster International air conditioners increase the ambient noise levels by 20+ dBA inside adjoining apartments.
- Were approvals obtained by the Los Angeles authorities to install these EnviroMaster International air conditioners?
- Did anyone test the noise levels of the air conditioners?
- Does anyone measure noise levels from ANY source in one of the largest apartment complexes in the world?